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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Biofertilisers next victim?

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is performing scientific trials on biological fertilisers. But the language used to report the project indicates that the outcome could be predictable. The story starts with the blanket statement; "Australian farmers have always prided themselves on innovation but when it comes to alternative fertilisers, they're justifiably wary." Bioferts are considered dangerous by the scientists conducting the eight Producer Sites across southern Australia. Soil scientist Jeff Hirth is quoted as saying that "many farmers fall under the spell of clever marketing by alternative fertiliser products." Holbrook grazier Ian Locke also prejudges the outcome, saying, "It would be difficult to be a profitable low input production system." The MLA Research Adoption Manager Jane Weatherley felt confident enough of the outcome to make the sweeping statement: "Farmers want optimum beef production out of their land and not all the products on the market can enable that." WE predict that none of the alternative products will be validated by science and the reason will be seen in the methodology. Products in the trials include TM21, Nutrisoil LS, CalSap, Bactivate, Prolong, RUM and single super at 123KG/HA. (MLA Feedback, May 2010)

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